

The entrepreneurial motivation is one of the most important factors which accelerate the pace of economic development by bringing the people to undertake risk bearing activities. The need of the hour, therefore, is to make Entrepreneurship Development more effective by imparting relevant education, focusing on developing entrepreneurial competencies, skills in identifying a viable business opportunity and preparing business plan, knowledge on how to mobilize resources and manage an enterprise. Entrepreneurship Development Club (EDC) is started functioning in this institution from 2006. The various activities of the club are:

a. Organize workshop/debates.

b. Familiarize the youth to the latest development in business.

c. Interactive sessions with successful entrepreneurs.

d. Provide exposure to national and international events in various parts of the country related to industrial developments.

A general convener, conveners from each department and two student volunteers from each department are the office bearers. EDC helps to develop a rapport with the industry. Necessary funds are received from District Industries Centre and Government agencies.