

The RIT Alumni Association (Reg. No. 127/04) started functioning in 2004. The General Body will meet regularly during the month of December every year. The Association has an elected executive committee of one year term. The executive committee will meet once in three months to review the progress of the decisions taken in General Body. The Association is publishing a quarterly news letter 'VAANI' to explore the College activities and achievements among the alumni. The Association is hosting a new website The Association has given financial support to launch Intranet in the College campus. Issue of scholarships to financially backward students with academic excellence, issue of Best Teacher Award to faculty, participation in charitable activities of the College, giving financial support to NCRIT and College union, lunch assistance to financially backward students etc. are some of the regular activities of the Association.

The objective of the Association is to maintain the contacts of the alumni of the Govt: Rajiv Gandhi Instituteof Technology Kottayam with alma mater and provide a forum for bringing together the old students of thecollege, so that they can contribute effectively to the cause of engineering education and research in thecountry. Association provide opportunities for developing entrepreneurship and practical knowhow amongthe graduating students and also to impart vocational and career guidance to them.RIT Alumni association maintaining website .All passed out students directed to registerand keeping a good contact with the college Association publishing news letter VAANI quarterly and explorethe college activity among the alumni's outside the campus. Association arranging yearly three Executivecommittees and one General body