
IEEE-RIT Computer Society

The first Computer Society of IEEE Kerala.

Inaugurated by Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman, The President of Free Software Foundation

Computer Society Chapter to be converted to LEAD chapter, mentored by Dr. Ann Gates, University Of Texas, El Paso

Industrial training for 22 students from across Kerala in collaboration with Technophilia, the undisputed pioneers of Robotics in India

Organized Industrial visit to Infosys campus, Mysore in November 2010

Launched Entrepreneurship Guild and Networking in LINUX platform

Organized Industrial visit to Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Trivandrum along with College of Engineering, Kalloopara

Launched HDNet (Hacker's and Developer's Network) for the promotion of Open Source softwares developed by the Student Members

Organized DESPACIO'11 for the promotion of Women in Computing

Face to Face Meeting

With Mr. Sorel Reisman, 2011 IEEE Computer Society President

With Dr. Kasturi Rangachar, 2008 IEEE Computer Society President

Spoken Tutorials

In collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. Of India

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with CE-Kalloopara, for future endeavours

Click-Official Newsletter of IEEE-RIT Computer Society

Chapter Day'11

First anniversary of the establishment of the Student Chapter

Graced by the presence of Mr. MGPL Narayana, Vice President of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)