
Technology Business Incubator

A Technology Business Incubator (TBI) was established as an integral part of the continuing R & D and consultancy services being rendered at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam (RIT). The objectives of TBI at RIT are:

1. To arrange EDP and EMD programmes for the students, professionals and personnel from industry and to arrange specialized training programmes for industry.

2. To act as a Management discussion forum for interaction among participating industries and intellectuals.

3. To arrange web enabled training programs through tie up with institutes of excellence both within and abroad, on the frontier areas of technology.

4. To undertake industry sponsored research.

5. To understand / identify talents from among the students of RIT and to create a human resources bank for the industry to utilize.

6. To provide all necessary assistance to prospective entrepreneurs, to sharpen their technology, assistance during start up, comprehensive quality assessment etc.