
Sealed tenders are invited for the supply of items consumables for special scheme e tender for setting up of modernized kitchen of Mens Hostel Short Tender Notice for the purchase of Various Kitchen utensils Short Tender Notice for the purchase of Various Kitchen utensils Short Tender notice for the preparation and installation of Various Name boards, sticker works etc. Re-e-tenders are invited for the supply of various equipments for the use of MT Lab -II e-tenders for the supply of various equipment for the use of Transportation/Pavement Engg lab in Civil Engineering Department e-tenders for the supply of various equipment for the use of Transportation/Pavement Engg lab in Civil Engineering Department e-tenders for the supply of various equipment for the use of Transportation/Pavement Engg lab in Civil Engineering Department e-tenders for the supply of various equipment for the use of Geo Technical Engineering Lab in Civil Engineering Department Re-e-tenders are invited for the supply of Various Lab Equipment for the use of MT Lab e-tenders are invited for the supply of various equipment for the use of MT Lab -II in Civil Engineering Department e-tenders are invited for the supply of Workstation to Architecture Department Short Tender Notice for e-tenders are invited for the supply of Concrete Pull off tester for the use of MT Lab -II e-Re tenders are invited for the supply of Various Lab Equipments for the use of Building science Lab I in Architecture Engineering Department Re e-tenders are invited for the supply of Digital Storage Oscilloscope Quotation extension notice - Repair and Service of Solar UPS in CSE Dept. Supply of items to Measurements Lab Tender No: 04/21-22/RIT Tender Notice Supply of items to Measurements Lab Tender No: 04/21-22/RIT Tender Schedule Sealed Tenders are invited for the supply of Digital Storage Oscilloscope(DSO) D! 6419 Re-e-tender for the supply of various lab equipment in Civil Engg Lab Purchase of Various equipment to Civil Engg Dept. Short tender notice for the supply of various IT related equipment Tender for Supply of various lab equipment Purchase of various IT related equipments for the promotion of startup under TBI Tencder schedule for supply of cast iron beam mould Tender No: 01/21-22/RIT Supply of one Data Acquisition System for the Mechanical Engineering Department Tender No 0221 Supply of Thin Foil Heat Flux Gauge for Mechanical Engineering department.