Central Library


The central library housed in a star shaped multi storied building. It spreads over 3 floors with an area of 822 square meters. The library has separate lending and reference sections with a vast area of titles under all disciplines. A book bank section is also functioning under a separate government scheme for the benefit of the SC/ST students alone. There is a collection of 34752 volumes of books and 10155 titles Central library has access to E –Resources of IEEE Xplore Digital Library (IEL online Level 2), ASCE Journals, Elsevier Science Direct Journals, Ebsco-Art and Architecture Complete Database and DELNET database. All the subscribed online journals are available in the intranet and can be accessed through the computers connected to the intranet. Library is fully automated using the library management software KOHA.

Central Library Service

a. Reference Service

b. Book Lending : Seven Books for Teachers, 4 Books for Researchers, 4 Books for P G Students, 3 Books for U G Students, 6 books extra Book Bank Scheme for SC/ST Students, 2 books for Non-Teaching Staff.

c. Reading facility : Newspapers and Periodicals

d E- Access Service (digital library) : 24 computers with Internet. On-Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for checking the status of books (web OPAC Public IP Address E –Books : 2030 E Resources : IEEE xplore Digital library, ASCE, Elsevier Science Direct, Ebsco-Art and architecture complete database Access to NPTEL on line courses Access to National Digital Library of India Access to DELNET

e. Reprography service

f. Purified and cooled drinking water

g. Toilet facility : Separate toilets for ladies and gents

Library automation : Library is fully automated using the library management software KOHA through RFID technology. All the books are bar coded.

Library services on Internet/Intranet: 24 computers are provided for Internet services. All the subscribed online journals are available in the intranet and can be accessed through the computers connected to the intranet. IEEE Xplore Digital library (IEL online Level 2) consists of 505 journals, 31259 conference proceedings, 4093 standards, and back files from 1872s are subscribed through Ebsco International, USA. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) consists of 36 Journals currently subscribed through E-Shodhsindhu funded by AICTE. Science direct, consists of 275 journals which are subscribed through the Centralized Purchase by DTE, Thiruvananthapuram. Ebsco-Art and Architecture Complete Database consists of 207 full text academic journals, 117 magazines, 194 books/monographs and 31 trade publications are currently subscribed through Ebsco Information services India Private Ltd., Chennai.

DELNET-Developing Library Network, New Delhi is a major resource sharing library Network in India connecting more than 7700 institutions in 33 states in India and few other countries comprising of Universities, Colleges, R&D organisations, medical hospitals, etc. DELNET is devoted to the Modernisation & Networking of Libraries. Now we are also a member of DELNET

The central library housed in a star shaped multi storied building with a plinth area of over 822 sq. mts. It is fully computerized with facilities like online referencing, reservation system etc. The library has separate lending and reference sections with a vast area of titles under all disciplines.A book bank section is also functioning under a separate government scheme for the benefit of the SC/ST students alone. Library access is available to all the students and staff of this college during working hours.

The journal section subscribes major technical periodicals and foreign journals. Central library has access to the E –Resources of IEEE Xplore Digital Library (IEL online Level 2), ASCE Journals, ASME Journals, Elsevier Science Direct Journals,and Ebsco-Art and Architecture complete database. 2030 E-books are also available.