
SAE RIT Chapter

The college chapter of SAEINDIA in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam was form under Mr. Antony J K, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering as the faculty advisors on April 1st 2011 with 100 students members by guidance of Mr. J. T. KUNCHERIA the then Principal and Dr. R SASIKUMAR, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering of the college. The main aim of starting the chapter was for enriching knowledge base of the students of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology with developments and innovations in the automotive sector (Mobility Engineering). The purpose of the club is to increase the benefits of SAEINDIA student membership through special activities that include affiliation with the section and provide students with tangible contact with their future profession-engineering – so doing. Further the objective of engineering education. The students themselves through the elected officers administer the chapter activities. Officers are counseled by the Faculty Advisors and SAEINDIA Vice-chair student activities, in the very the first year of club activities in the college. The chapter has offered great opportunities and exposure to the students. There were many factory visit, competitions, workshop organized by the SAEINDIA in which the students took part. Also the college has one of the best talent pools that the students can reach great height through the SAEINDIA. In fact Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology was having the highest representation of student’s members in the competition organized during STUDENT CONVENTION 2011. This year SAE RIT chapter is participating in the famous BAJA contest which provided SAE student members with the challenge project that involves design, engineering, planning, manufacturing and marketing the tasks found.